Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lung Cancer Essays (771 words) - Lung Cancer,

Lung Cancer "Lung cancer is an uncontrolled, extremely deadly division of cells in the lung" (World Book, "Lung Cancer"). The two major types of lung cancer include small and non-small cell. Many different risk factors contribute to lung cancer. There are numerous symptoms that are difficult to detect in the early stages of lung cancer. Doctors use special machines to detect the severity of each stage. Treatments and cures differ in each individual case. Lung cancer is a huge problem because it is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer"). Both small cell and non-small cell lung cancer affect different types of cells in the lung and spread in different ways. Small cell lung cancer is limited to a section of the chest known as the hemithorax and regional lymph nodes (World Book, "Lung Cancer"). Small cell lung cancer usually exists early and spreads out abruptly (Virtual Hospital, 3/23/99). Non-small cell lung cancer is first confined to the lung, then spreads throughout the chest (MSKCC, "Lung Cancer"). Small cell lung cancer spreads quickly (World Book, "Lung Cancer"). In the United States 85 to 90 percent of all lung cancer cases are related to smoking. Cigarette smoking is the main cause of lung cancer (Scientific American, "Lung Cancer"). Second-hand smoke, inhaled by non-smokers, increases a person's chance of acquiring lung cancer (Beau Halton). Men who smoke increase their chance of dying from lung cancer about 23 times and women increase their chances 13 times ("Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign," 3/23/99). However, lung cancer may also be caused by long term exposure to radon, a naturally present radioactive gas (SIRS, "What is Cancer?"). The residue of burned petroleum and coal can contribute to lung cancer (Scientific American, "Lung Cancer"). The development of lung cancer seems to be also affected by genes. The gene histidine triad blocks the formation of tumors, so a defective gene could make one more likely to form a tumor (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer"). In the early stages of lung cancer, symptoms are hard to recognize. Symptoms usually include a persistent cough, coughing up blood, weight loss, chest or shoulder pain, swelling in the face or neck, shortness of breath, and a hoarse voice (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer"). Repeated cases of pneumonia, a virus in which the lungs become inflamed, or bronchitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchia tubes, may be warning signs for lung cancer (Scientific American, "Lung Cancer"). Bone pain, headaches, and dizziness are observations that the lung cancer has spread (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer"). New technology is used on patients when a physician suspects lung cancer. Chest x-rays are used to examine the lungs for tumors (World Book, "Lung Cancer"). A CAT scan, series of x-ray images put together by a computer, is also performed (Scientific American, "Lung Cancer"). During a biopsy, a physician removes a small amount of tissue and examines it. A microscope is used to analyze cells in order to determine whether a tumor is malignant, tending to grow and spread throughout the body (MSKCC, "Lung Cancer"). Treatment depends on the type of lung cancer, the size of the tumor, the location of the tumor, the stage of illness, the age of the patient, and the overall health of the patient (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer). Surgery is performed to remove the tumor if there is no chance that the cancer has spread (Scientific American, "Lung Cancer"). If the disease has spread, then treatment will often include radiation therapy and chemotherapy (MSKCC, "Lung Cancer"). Radiation therapy is based on the use of ionizing radiation to destroy cancerous cells (Microsoft, "Radiology"). Chemotherapy is treatment of a disease using drugs that directly poison the disease organism (Microsoft, "Chemotherapy"). Early stage non-small cell lung cancers are best treated surgically and later stage non-small cell lung cancers are best treated with either chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of the two (Virtual Hospital, 3/23/99). For small cell lung cancers, chemotherapy by itself or with radiation therapy is used instead of surgery (Scientific American "Lung Cancer"). Approximately 152,700 people die each year on account of the colossal lung cancer problem (Microsoft, "Lung Cancer"). Small and non-small cell lung cancers are the two main types of lung cancer. White males prove to be the most affected from lung cancer. High-fat diets and smokers with family histories of heavy smoking are significant factors contributing to lung cancer (Beau Halton). More than two million American smokers have died from smoking-related lung cancer since 1964, when the Surgeon General released the first report on smoking and health ("Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign," 3/23/99). Smoking is

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Important Phrases for English Phone Conversations

Important Phrases for English Phone Conversations Telephoning in English includes learning a number of special phrases, as well as focusing on listening skills. Some of the most important phrases include how to answer the phone, how to ask for others, how to connect, and how to take messages.   Introducing Yourself Here are a few ways to informally introduce yourself on the telephone: This is Ken.Hello, Ken speaking If youd like to reply more formally, use your full name. This is Jennifer Smith speaking.Hello, Jennifer Smith speaking. If you are answering for a business, just state the business name. In this case, its common to ask how you can help: Good morning, Thomson Company. How may I help you?Plumbers Insurance. How can I be of service today? British / American Difference Hello, this is KenBrighton 0987654 The first example response is in American English and the second is in  British English. As you can see there are differences in both forms. The telephone articles include both  British and American English, as well as phrases that are common to both forms. In  American English, we answer the phone stating This is ... In British English, its common to answer the phone by stating the telephone number. The phrase This is ... is used only on the telephone to substitute the phrase My name is ... which is not used to answer the telephone. Asking Who Is on the Telephone Sometimes, youll need to find out who is calling. Ask them politely for this information: Excuse me, who is this?May (Can) I ask who is calling, please? Asking for Someone At other times, youll need to speak to someone else. This is especially true when you telephone a business. Here are some examples: Can I have extension 321? (extensions are internal numbers at a company)Could I speak to...? (Can I - more informal / May I - more formal)Is Jack in? (informal idiom meaning: Is Jack in the office? Connecting Someone If you answer the phone, you might need to connect the caller to someone at your business. Here are some useful phrases: Ill put you through (put through - phrasal verb meaning connect)Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment? When Someone Is Not Available These phrases can be used to express that someone is not available  to speak on the telephone. Im afraid ... is not available at the momentThe line is busy... (when the extension requested is being used)Mr. Jackson isnt in... Mr. Jackson is out at the moment... Taking a Message If someone isnt available, you might want to take a message to help the caller.   Could (Can, May) I take a message?Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling?Would you like to leave a message? Continue practicing your skills by using the  practical exercises  below which include information on leaving messages on the telephone, how to ask  native speakers  to slow down, role plays on the telephone and more. Practice With a Role Play Begin by learning important telephone English with the dialogue below. Here is a short telephone conversation with some of the key phrases: Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers, How can I help you?Peter: This is Peter Jackson. Can I have extension 3421?Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, Ill put you through... Frank: Bob Petersons office, Frank speaking.Peter: This is Peter Jackson calling, is Bob in? Frank: Im afraid hes out at the moment. Can I take a message?Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at ... I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line, its urgent. Frank: Could you repeat the number please?Peter: Yes, thats ..., and this is Peter Jackson. Frank: Thank you Mr. Jackson, Ill make sure Bob gets this asap.Peter: Thanks, bye. Frank: Bye. As you can see, the language is rather informal and there are some important differences from face-to-face conversational English.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Crucial Features of DBQ Essays

Crucial Features of DBQ Essays You may think that writing a DBQ essay is a very difficult task but it only looks so scary. If you want to pass the AP exam, you must know what you’ll be going through. As soon as you learn more about DBQ essays, you will realize that you certainly can deal with it. DBQ, which stands for Document Based Question, is a type of essay that is often required for AP exams as well as for history exams both in the US and Europe. Being a â€Å"document-based question,† this essay implies several underlying documents on a certain subject. Your task is to consider the relationship between these documents, tendencies that appear in documents during some period of time, and other details. In addition, you cannot just describe these features of documents. You need to provide an accurate analysis of sources. DBQ essays are also somewhat similar to cause and effect essays because you need to explain the flow of events and relationships between them. Many students are confused by the fact that DBQ essays are quite different from free-response essays, while in fact there’s nothing special about this task. Check our useful guide and write your DBQ essay following simple steps. How to Write a DBQ Essay If you want to write a good DBQ essay, there are only two things you must know. First of all, you must be able to plan your work properly. If you plan your work in advance, you can be more confident and use advanced methods of writing. In addition, you will easily cope with your AP exam if you practice a lot. Follow our advice and work on your writing skills! Usually, you have only 55 minutes to complete the DBQ essay for the AP exam. Sometimes this limit may vary but, most often, you have 15 minutes to read all necessary materials and 40 minutes to write your paper. However, 15 minutes of reading means that you must also spend some time on understanding your question, generating ideas for the essay and processing new information. You may want to start writing earlier but even if you have a couple free minutes, we suggest taking your time and planning the structure of your essay. Time management is especially important, since the essay isn’t the only task of the AP exam. Read your question. Not only should you read it, but you also must understand it. Note some important data that may be useful when writing the essay. Jot down facts that you must mention and underline your key tasks. After this, quickly write a few thoughts related to the question. You don’t have time for proper brainstorming so make sure to use a couple minutes that you have. Analyze documents effectively. You may need to work with many different documents and you will need to provide a good analysis. We suggest considering it an opportunity rather than a challenge, because a proper analysis also provides you with necessary evidence for supporting your ideas. There are many kinds of documents that can be used in AP exams, such as speeches, letters, legislative documents, maps, articles, and even pictures. Sometimes you must analyze some classic documents that you certainly have heard of, though they will not sound familiar to you. First of all, pay your attention to the author of the document and to the time when it was published. Jot down key ideas of this text. After noting important points, get to the questions about this document. Don’t forget to write notes ? this is how you save your time because otherwise you will need to return to certain parts of your sources and re-read them. Ask yourself a couple additional questions, for example, can these documents be divided into some groups? What are they based on? Develop your thesis statement. Make a draft of your thesis statement and draw up an outline for your essay. If you already know something interesting about the topic of your task, this information may also be useful in the future. Think about the structure of your essay, and make it so that every paragraph of the essay will consider a particular idea. Write an essay. Your goal is to write a meaningful text based on a strong thesis. Each paragraph must provide examples and facts related to your question. You also need a conclusion, however, let’s take a look at the whole writing process from the beginning. An introduction of a DBQ essay is no different from this of any other essay. You must introduce your topic, provide your readers with necessary background information on this subject, briefly describe your main points, and come up with a thesis statement. Try to focus on the purpose of your paper. A body section includes one or several paragraphs, each one of which focuses on one idea and supports it with evidence. Start every paragraph with a topic sentence so that it will reflect the overall structure of the essay. If you have divided your documents into several groups, you can devote every paragraph to a certain group of sources. Include more documents so that you will have more evidence for your arguments. You should not just describe documents, in fact, it is the worst thing you can do. Make proper references and include parts of sources in your essay. On the other hand, always make sure that all documents that you include are directly related to your thesis statement. The conclusion is aimed to remind your readers the purpose of the essay and provide them with a concise summary of everything written before. Another important feature of the conclusion is that it can address more global issues. We suggest taking this opportunity to make your paper more meaningful. Ask yourself, why is this topic so important? Think about it in a global context. If you realize that you’re running out of time, write at least one concluding sentence. It’s much better to conclude your essay briefly than if you don’t conclude it at all. Proofread your essay. We know that 55 minutes is not enough time for proper proofreading but we suggest doing this. Plan at least a few minutes to read your essay, to fix all mistakes, and to check such specific details as places, dates, and names. Tips on Writing DBQ Essays Make sure that you understand the question well, as your main goal is to answer it correctly. Unless your assignment has such requirements, don’t dig into the historical background. When mentioning documents in text, don’t refer to them as â€Å"document 1† or â€Å"document 2.† Instead, write the whole title of a source. You may or may not be allowed to use quotes in your essay, however, DBQ essays often benefit from citations because you can clarify what source you are talking about. Anyway, don’t forget to write your quotes according to a required format. Check the paragraph structure and make sure that all your thoughts are presented in a logical order. Keep in mind that sometimes, there’s no right answer to the topic question. Thus, you are allowed to consider any points that you can support with evidence. In order to increase the credit for your paper, you can use outside information. Don’t get too emotional about your exam and don’t panic! To feel confident on the exam, learn more about it, read examples of DBQ essays on the internet, and prepare. Don’t forget that your readers can be too limited in time to consider your essay in details. Thus, it’s important to create a good overall picture of your work. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work on details. DBQ essays often focus on such issues as art, science, and religion. Therefore, we suggest getting acquainted with methods of writing historical essays. The most important thing about writing DBQ essays is to stay calm. Sometimes students spend a lot of time preparing but fail their exams just because they panic. Even if you think that this task is hard, it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to complete. Thus, just focus on your goal and prepare for your DBQ exam in advance.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 72

Assignment - Essay Example The health care sector is highly complex and therefore requires utmost efficiency in terms of making decisions. When making decisions concerning a given problem or situation it is necessary to first make sure that the problem at hand is well understood. A detailed analysis of the problem may be laid down in a bid to ensure that the decisions made leave no loop holes. Failure to understand the situation or problem in play may lead to wrong decisions without having solved the real problem. For instance, a research showed that experienced nurse executives make quick decisions without â€Å"a thorough analysis, a strategy that may result in the right decision for the wrong problem† (Effken, Verran, Logue, and Hsu 2010, p.3). This implies that an analysis of the problem plays a great role in making the right decisions. After the analysis, all possible solutions should be stipulated in line with the situation at hand. All alternatives presented should be received with an open mind and an alternative should only be dismissed due to its inability to provide a solution and not just because it may be unpleasant to a particular individual. Carefully considering all alternatives the best one should be identified followed by a suitable execution plan. Having taken the best course of action, it is highly likely that the right decision will be made. Effective decisions should give solutions to the root causes not just the general problems thereby ensuring that the problem is not frequently recurrent. This may be particularly important in nursing to ensure that the diagnosis given attains full cure of the patients. In making managerial decisions, it is important to first try to predict the implications at each level since they affect the whole organization. Effective decision making is important since it leads to achievement of organizational goals. Realization of the set objectives is only possible through cooperation across the entire

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Criminal Profiling of Satanic Followers Research Paper - 1

Criminal Profiling of Satanic Followers - Research Paper Example   Ã‚   However, from the law enforcement perspective, it is not easy to classify a criminal activity as a satanic crime and, thus, reduce an investigation only to the suspects who claim to be Satanists (Lanning, 89). To start with, while there are several criteria that can help law enforcement officers to classify a crime as satanic, none of them is reliable enough to clearly define such a criminal activity. To start with, while some argue that the presence of certain symbols, such as inverted crosses, pentagrams, or 666 makes a crime satanic, from the law enforcement perspective â€Å" unless there is a legal-valid perspective for doing so, police have no authority to seize any satanic or occult paraphernalia they might see during the search (Lewis, 2001). The symbols or signs have no any significance for the investigation unless they prove a criminal activity. If a victim includes a Satanic symbol when describing the instruments or a location of the crime, then the symbol can se rve as an evidence. However, many cases reveal that despite the presence of certain symbols in the possession of the offender, the crime had no Satanic relation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, signs, symbols, and rituals cannot always be interpreted clearly as their meaning may change over time, place, and circumstance (Lewis, 2001). As an example, a swastika can represent either prosperity and good fortune, or Nazism and anti-Semitism, or – currently – hate, paranoia, and adolescent defiance. Especially in cases involving dabblers, teenagers, and other self-styled Satanists, who give the symbols their own meaning, the analysis of symbols and signs may only have a limited application.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are also cases of offenders leaving satanic symbols on the crime scene deliberately in order to make the crime look â€Å"satanic† and, thus, confuse the investigators. Thus, when law enforcement officers investigate alleged satanic crimes, they need to be objective fact finders (Lanning, 89). While law enforcement officers need to be trained to recognize the possible investigative significance of satanic symbols, rituals, and paraphernalia, it is impossible for one person to know the meaning of all the symbols and rituals of every spiritual belief system. Therefore, symbols cannot be used to clearly classify a law enforcement problem as a satanic activity (Kennedy, 2006).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Love in Kamala Dass Poetry Essay Example for Free

Love in Kamala Dass Poetry Essay Love and sex in her poetry become a paradigm for fractured realities encountered by the poetess. Essentially she speaks for a woman who is in search of love. She challenges the very idea of phallocentric tradition and asserts in poem after poem that the subaltern can speak. Post colonialism consists primarily in the contestation of power structures and social hierarchies. For Kamala Das a woman’s predicament as a daughter , a wife, or a lover reflects a victimization in relationships. Kamala Das revolts against a constructed notion of relationship. Women are not the self-sacrficial model of virtue or promiscuity. The hitherto premises of male hegemony are violently shaken by Kamala Das who can defy the conventional ideological discourse of sexism and love. She herself became a victim of a young man’s carnal hunger . In ‘The Freaks’, a remarkable lyric which was published in Summer in Calcutta contains a picture of love that is full of dirt and filth as the man ensconced in sexual intercourse turned his ‘sun-stained / Cheek to me , his mouth , a dark /Cavern, where stalacities of /Uneven teeth gleam , his right / Hand on my knee, while our minds/ Are willed to race towards love ; / But they only wander, tripping / Idly over puddles of desire† . The focus on the ‘puddles of desire’ refers to her unfulfilled sexual desire as her heart remains ‘ an empty cistern’. Kamala Das describes in ‘The Freaks’a man and a woman persona are described as capriciously and whimsically behaving in unexpected manner. The poem celebrates the mood of transitory triumph over the defeat of love : My glass , like a bride’s Nervous smile , and meet My lips. Dear , forgive This moment’s lull in Wanting you, the blur In memory. Elsewhere in the poem Kamala Das describes the ambience : The April sun , squeezed Like an orange in My glass? I sip the Fire , I drink,and drink Again, I am drunk. We get a poignant verbal drama in the expression. The graphic details of drinking and the April heat. The poem focuses on the inborn passivity of the male partner and yet it ends with the assertion : â€Å"I am freak†. This is the identity crisis of an Indian woman who fails to flaunt ‘ a grand flamboyant lust’ in spite of the dissatisfaction. Here the poetess highlight the notion of vehemence and impetuosity with which the poet appropriates and internalizes the vocabulary for mapping out the terrain for the post colonial women in social terms. She secures the first significant step toward the explosion of the myth of male supremacy propagated by patriarchy. This is in itself automatically presupposes the awareness of a shared fate of injustice. In The subjection of Women John Stuart Mill argues that the principle of servitude in marriage is a monstrous antithesis to all the principles of the modern world. For Mill the most liberating aspect is that human beings are no longer born to their place in life. Kamala Das has shown and is very loud in violently showing that to be born as a woman is to lose the capacity to transcend that place in life already determined by patriarchy. Here Kamala Das decides to empower herself as a woman. In ‘Forest Fire’ the poetess minces no word in recording her innate desire to consume all sorts of experiences in this world: Of late I have begun to feel a hunger To take in with greed , like a forest-fire that Consumes , and, with each killing gains a wilder Brighter charm,all that comes my way. A little later the fury of passions gets the most of her : My eyes lick at you like flames , my nerves Consume. This is not a refusal to acknowledge the tenets of valorization in masculine terms. We encounter in these lines paradigms of transgressions in the discourse, the female playing the male role . The readers are more directly taken into a woman’s quest for identity when the poetess can say in ‘The Looking Glass’ : Getting a man to love you is easy Only be honest about your wants as Woman. Kamala Das does not describe how man loves a woman, she is more interested in telling how a woman can get the love of a man: Stand nude before the glass with him So that he sees himself the stronger one And believes it so, and you so much more Softer , younger, lovelier†¦. Admit your Admiration. This is not urge for female hegemony but the quest for identity in a female mind. Surrendering is an image in the poetry of Kamala Das : Gift him what makes you woman The woman here knows that she will be left alone if the lover forsakes her. A lustful woman rarely succeeds. Getting a man to love is easy but afterward without the man it is a living without life. Joan Chittister writes : In the end women like other minorities who have been taught their natural limitations by the dominant culture in which they live, turn their anger against themselves†¦They know that women can not do what men can do, and they resent and scold and criticize any woman who tries to do it. They become the instruments of the system, its perfect product, its most important achievement. 156) Simultaneously, in a poem like ‘My Grandmother’s House’ published in Summer in Calcutta , there is a note of nostalgia in the depiction of the care-free days of childhood : â€Å" There is a house now far away where once / I received love †¦. That woman died†. In this poem the poetess felt â€Å" My blood turned cold like the moon†. The moon is a romantic image. But Kamala Das used it so realistically to reveal her broken heart and lost love. Bedroom door is like ‘a brooding dog’. The poetess peers through ‘ blind eyes of windows’. The polyphonic text about identities with the autobiographical voice multiply itself into myriad selves. K. R. S Iyengar characterizes some of Kamala Das’s poems as ‘confessional’. Devinder Kohli calls her poems â€Å" candid and witty piece of self-revelation’ In the confession, Kamala Das poignantly tries to straddle both worlds – the secret world of her desire and the world defined by the male chauvinists. But she is left with no option but to conform to the stereotype of the sexual –patriarchal man even when it outlines a mandate of a society that loathes any challenge coming from the females. The poetess tries to negotiate sexual difference, but the importance lies rather in the way it showcases male chauvinism in a patriarchal ideology constructing patterns of fixated behaviours exalting them as normal. Individuals in this quest of identity socialized themselves into a locus of role specificity which in the case of a female disrupts the orientations. It is the crisis of the role that sustains the split between the role the character plays in Kamala Das’ poems. ‘Spoiling the Name’ presents effectively one of Kamala Das’ central insights, as Devinder Kohli points out , the commitment of her poetic self to experience. The sighs are ‘metallic’ , limbs are curled at the ‘touch of air’ (‘A Relationship’)and ‘nudity on sheets of weeklies’( ‘Loud Posters’ ). Kamala Das mocks her ‘feminine integrity’ ( Sarkar Jaydip:84) when she finds in a shamefully helpless situation as in ‘The Freaks’ with the lover whose mouth is a dark Cavern where stalacities of Uneven teeth gleam It is not that the subversion is apparent everywhere. Women also gravitate from aspiring to be transgressive social agents to artitculating their muted histories, finally pointing up the truth that they were forced to suppress. In the poem ‘Love’ there is a ‘celebration of happiness and contentment in love â€Å" My life lies, content / in you† (Sarkar Jaydip: 86). The poetess was committed to the sensual world , true, but in her life partner she tried to achieve the shared identity . She sought a life beautifying force of love which might be equated with physical relationship. Sterility and vacant ecstasy were all that Kamala Das abhorred and herein she had her disillusionment. Love that is extra marital was not Kamala Das’ angst , rather her inner self created for herself a tiny world in which the trauma of love and marriage were distant cries, hardly heard of. In the ‘Sunshine Cat’she depicted the picture of ‘a cold and half dead woman’ who was of no use to her. The cat might be her own feminine self as well. In ‘Winter’ , the celebration of sex was a theme,but it was more a desperate attempt of her soul for groping for roots in his body(Sarkar Jaydip: 85). As a singer of feminine sensibility she protests against restraints of society , and simultaneously she shakes off the rigid gender roles , determination triggered by situational factors. In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in which sexual orientation was placed on ‘a graduated continuum’ ( Kinsey: 638). Kinsey advocated a re-appraisal of the treatment meted out to queer beings by way of isolation and rehabilitation. The hypocrisy latent in marriage is due to societal pressures. In most occasions , the victims in such marriage of convenience is the wife, that Kamala herself was and who wanted to express the oppressive anguish of her own life. Thus on the one hand, the poems of Kamala Das are visualizations of her own pains, but at the same time they are the demeaning perceptions galvanizing the concomitant negativity into a motive for further exploration of female psyche. The fantastically confessional poem ‘The Old Playhouse’ reveals this agony of the mind of the poetess: It was not to gather Knowledge Of yet another man that I came to you but to Learn What I was and by learning to learn to grow †¦(K. S. Ramamurti:151) This is what we mean by ‘pathei mathos’,wisdom consisting in suffering, the poetess gradually learning to cope up with demands of the more realistic world and compromising with her dreams as the potential abilities of the human body got stunted by the sterility of the man she loved. We may safely surmise that the poems do not become an erotic world in spite of all the sexual replenishments for the starving soul of a woman. Nor the poems become an articulation of a muted feminine consciousness. Kamala Das exploded the stigma of vulnerability and gained a critical consciousness to stand up to the deforming norms of the conventional intercourses in marital life or love life,whatever it is. It was not in her capacity to reorder the chaotic world into a cosmos. At best she could suggest some therapeutic rehabilitation of a trauma-ridden woman who survives the psychological abuses, manipulation and a dreariness of emotional desert. The poems serve for such a starving soul as a rallying point. K. R. S. Iyengar rightly remarks : â€Å" Kamala Das is a fiercely feminine sensibility that dares without inhibitions to articulate that the hurts it has received in an insensitive largely man-made world. † ( Iyengar: 667) . Reading List Works cited Das Kamala , Summer in Calcutta, New Delhi: Everest Press, 1965. The Old Playhouse and Other Poems. Madras: Orient Longman, 1973. My Story , New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, , 1976. - Tonight , This Savage Rite: The Love Poems of Kamala Das Pritish Nandy. New Delhi: Arnold- Heinemann (India) 1979. Only the Soul Knows How to Sing. Kottayam: DC Books, 1996. Primary Sources . 1. Lal. P. Ed. Modern Indian Poetry in English : An Anthology and a Credo, Calcutta: Writer’s Workshop, 1969. 2. Kotoky , P. C. Indo English Poetry, Gauhati: Gauhati University, 1969. 3. James ,Vinson (ed. ) Contemporary Poets,New York: St. Martin Press,1975. 4. Abidi, S. Z . H. Studies in Indo Anglian Poetry, Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot, 1979. . Parthasarathi, R. Ed. Ten Twentieth –Century Indian Poets. New Delhi: OUP. 2nd Ed. 1980 6. Shahane, Vasant A. and Sivaram Krishna, M. (eds. ) Indian Poetry in English : A Critical Assessment . Delhi: Macmillan, 1980. 7. Rahman ,Anisur. Expressive Form in the Poetry of Kamala Das. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1981. 8. Stella ,Samdahl. ‘South Asian Literature: A Linguistic Perspective’, A Meeting of Streams. (ed). M. G. Vassanji,,Toronto: TSAR,1985. 9. Chindhade ,Shirish. Five Indian English Poets , New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 1996. 10. De Souza , Eunice. Nine Indian Women Poets : An Anthology. New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. 11. Mitapalli Rajeswar et. al. Kamala Das: A Critical Spectrum. New Delhi: Atlantic,2001. 12. Gokak, V. K. (ed. ) The Golden Treasury of Indo Anglian Poetry. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2004. . Secondary Sources: 1. Kohli ,Devinder. Virgin Whiteness: The Poetry of Kamala Das. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1968. 2. K. R. S. Iyengar, Indian Writing in English , New Delhi Allied Publishers,1962; 2nd ed. , 1973. 3. King ,Bruce . Modern Poetry in English, Delhi, Oxford University Press. 1987. 4. Joan D. Chittister, Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men Cambridge and Ontario : WmB. Eerdsmans Publishing Company, 1998. 5. Alfred C. Kinsey et al. Sexual Behavior in lthe Human Male. Philadelphia: W. B Saunders: Bloomington, Indian U Press, 1948 2nd Ed. ,1998. 5. Banerjee,Benoy Kumar ; Bakshi, Kaustav. Studies in Indian Poetry in English, Kolkata: Books Way, 2008 6. Ahmed, Irshad Gulam , Kamala Das : The Poetic Pilgrimage. New Delhi: Creative Books,2005. 7. Ramamurti, K. S. Ed. Twenty-Five Indian Poets In English , Kolkata: Macmillan India Ltd. , 2008. 8. Sarkar ,Jaydip (ed. ) Kamala Das and Her Poetry , Kolkata: Books Way,2009. - .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Supply chain visibility, a term that like two sides of coin brings with it potential for tremendously improved supply chain performance on one side and a level of vagueness & uncertainty on other side. The concept of supply chain visibility in late 1990’s and is still new to many organizations. Art Mesher, then an analyst at Gartner gave the concept of â€Å"The 3V’s of supply chain†. The 3 V’s of supply chain stands for velocity, variability and visibility. Corporates and companies have worked upon the velocity and variability of supply chain but still have very little understanding of visibility. Visibility not only means on-shelf inventory but also means inventory piled up at all levels of supply chain including in transit inventory and inventory piled up across company’s network. Visibility allows concerned people in supply chain to forecast problems before they occur and taken necessary steps to avoid expense in the real time. Two drivers of this savings through visibility come from PO lifecycle and ASN (Advanced Shipped Notice, Inventory) accuracy. Figure Source: Supply Chain Digest Letter, April 2012 Supply Chain Visibility Vectors – A case of Reliance Fresh Visibility vectors are basically the factors that affect the visibility of products and services across various layers of organization’s network. We will take the case of Reliance fresh stores as example for better understanding of supply chain vectors. There can be seven major vectors which are as follows:- (a) Demand Management (b) Supply Management (c) International Sourcing (d) Domestic Sourcing (e) Inventory (f) Distribution and Logistics (g) Risk Management Demand Management Proper demand management with proper demand forecasting based on ... are different logistics partners even within the same cities. It makes difficult to estimate the in transit inventory. There is no sharing of data between logistics partners which makes demand and supply estimation more difficult. Earlier Reliance had a dedicated Reliance Logistics as their logistics partner but it could not survive for long. There should be uniform dedicated logistics partner at least on city level as it will increase the response time and information can easily be shared about the demand and supply. Risk Management Constant review of risk management and mitigation plan both at strategic and tactical level should be done depending upon the degree of risk involved in the business and the nature of the product. Based on the above mentioned secondary research, the following supply chain visibility matrix for Reliance Fresh has been suggested.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Merchant of Venice (Anti- Semitism)

Questioning Humanity The Merchant Of Venice In the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, Shylock is portrayed as a manipulative, greedy, and money hungry man who, throughout the book, is consumed with the deterioration of his enemies. Because of the prevailing anti- Semitic sentiment in Shakespeare's time, you would naturally assume that the Merchant of Venice is an anti- Semitic play. However, as you continue to examine the text, Shakespeare portrays Shylock in a much more human way than was generally done in those days and he shows that Shylock is, in fact, a part of humanity.Shakespeare challenges anti-Semitism by showing that Jews are just like Christians. He does this by proving how the imperfections that people have are what make us human. Even today, Shakespeare shows the world how hypocritical people can be, no matter their religion, race, or personal beliefs. Shakespeare uses irony in this play to illustrate that the bad things that Shylock (the Jew) has done are no wor se than what Antonio (the Christian) has done in his lifetime.Therefore, this creates the effect of humanizing the characters and demonstrates that regardless of religion or race, people have both good and bad sides. Although Shylock’s Jewishness is made apparent from the very moment he is introduced, and thus seems to reinforce Shakespeare’s work as being anti-Semitic, it is in fact Shylock’s wit and humanity that reveal how Shakespeare challenges such bias. Before Shylock even enters the play, the scene introduction mentions that he is a Jew ­Ã‚ ­ and immediately sets your mind against him, especially in Elizabethan England when Jews were alienated.Shylock quoted, â€Å"[Antonio] hath disgraced me [Shylock] and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies—and what’s his reason? I [Shylock] am a Jew. (3:1:52). † While Jews were scorned because of their religious beliefs, Shakespeare made it clear that each religious group hated each other. For example, Shylock says, â€Å"I hate him for he is a Christian (1:3:40). † Therefore, although Shylock is made the â€Å"bad guy† in this play, he isn’t the only one guilty of religious discrimination.Shakespeare makes it clear that both Antonio and Shylock have no religious tolerance for each other and are prejudicial toward each other’s religion. Although William Shakespeare leads you to believe that Shylock is prejudiced toward Christians, the reason for his hatred becomes clear when you learn that he is a man who is abused by the Christians surrounding him. Shylock has a reason for his hatred, â€Å"You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine. 1:3:121)† Shylock defends his hatred when he says, â€Å" Hath not a Jew Eyes? Hath not a Jew Hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge! (3:1: 52)† Therefore, it is Shylock’s human nature that leads him to despise Christians, not because of their religious beliefs directly, but because of their hatred of him simply because of his religious beliefs. Shylock defends his humanity by showing the Christians that they are no different from the Jews they treat with such disrespect.Shylock has a desire for revenge, which further humanizes him and connects him with Antonio. Because of Shakespeareâ€℠¢s choice of words, he leads you to believe that he is an anti-Semitic. However, a closer look at how Shakespeare shapes the play illustrates a deeper theme—that people are people, no matter their religion, race, or beliefs. Shylock doesn’t preform his actions because he is a Jew, he is simply mean because of the way the other characters treat him. Shylock says, â€Å"I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond.Thou call’dst me dog before thou hadst a cause, But since I am a dog, beware my fangs. † Shylock's actions are justified because of the way the other characters treat him. . Christian revenge is typical; therefore, Jewish revenge can’t be faulted. While Shylock is mean because of the cruel treatment he has received throughout his life, Antonio has no excuse. Shylock makes you realize that while Shakespeare may give the appearance that he is an anti-Semitist, he really believes that all people are equal and hatred is universal.At the end of the day, Shakespeare proves that it is Shylock’s humanity that makes him just like everyone else. He shows that the conflicts in The Merchant of Venice may start out because of religious differences; however, the actual message is more how the desire for revenge is something all people have in common, despite any other differences in their lives. Shylock challenges the stereotypes given to him in the beginning of the book and creates a complex character whose behavior is justified because of the way the other characters treat him.The Merchant of Venice demonstrates that no writers have to be bound by the prejudices of their time. While Shakespeare probably never met a Jew in his lifetime, he showed that religion doesn’t define who a person is. Some people may argue that because Shakespeare gives Shylock the stereotypical Jewish characteristics, he is obviously anti-Semitic. However, Shakespeare proves through Shylock that his intention wasn’t to emphasize anti- Semitism, but to show that all people have both good and bad sides to them.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Christian-Only Hiring Policy Essay

Case Study: Matthew is planning to open a manufacturing facility. He is considering a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy whereby he would determine to hire only professing, evangelical Christians to work in the facility. He asks you for your advice on the following questions: 1. Would such a policy be legal? If so, under what terms and what might the restrictions be? 2. From a Great Commission perspective, would this policy be advisable? 3. How would your answers change, if at all, if they planned to open a Christian school rather than a manufacturing facility? Matthew is planning to open a manufacturing facility and is considering a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy. The only way that this policy would be legal is if the manufacturing facility was considered to be a non-profit organization. A non-profit organization is an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. The extent to which a non-profit organization can generate surplus revenues may be constrained or use of surplus revenues may be restricted. If this manufacturing facility was deemed to be a non-profit organization, then the organization would be exempt from the Civil Rights Act and would be able to implement their â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy without facing charges down the road of discrimination. Due to the fact that a manufacturing facility would be unable to be classified as a non-profit organization because their purpose is usually to distribute its products for profit, then my adv ice would be that this policy would not be advisable for Matthew to use a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy. Using this policy would cause people to be discriminated against due to religious preference, and this is clearly illegal in the United States. If Matthew was planning to open a Christian school rather than a manufacturing facility, my answer would still be that it is illegal to discriminate in a for-profit organization. There are times when a faith-based humanitarian organization has prevailed over the lawsuits brought against them for discrimination due to religious preference, however, I do not advise toying with the gray area of the laws. I would advise Matthew that if he intends to open his manufacturing facility, it is not legal and not advisable to implement his â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sports And Agression Essays - Dispute Resolution, Emotions, Behavior

Sports And Agression Essays - Dispute Resolution, Emotions, Behavior Sports And Agression Sports and Aggression A Research Paper Presented to at In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for English 12A By Period 1 March 27, 2000 Do sports create aggressive behavior, or simply attract people who are already aggressive? Aggression and sport have gone together as long as sports have been around, be it the players themselves, to the parents, coaches, or spectators, they just seem to be an inseparable part of each other. The term violence is defined as physical assault based on total disregard for the well being of self and others, or the intent to injure another person ( 2. Coakley). Intimidation usually does not cause physical harm, but often is designed to produce psychological consequences, enabling one person to physically over power or dominate another. These statements as defined by the author, Jay J. Coakley, is what people today have made a must part on sport. Pleasure and participation sports absolutely cannot be grouped with power and performance sports when in relation to aggression.Pleasure sports are simply played for pleasure. Score is usually not kept. The athletes participating are usually on occ asion doing it for fun and exercise. A majority of athletes who have been playing sports since they were little, have probably been pounded into their heads that to be successful in sport, you need to be aggressive, and at some times, unnecessary. Also that to get what you want, you have to go at it with all force. Not that this is wrong but, this attitude in todays society has been a major problem factor to the athletes when they get older, to get into trouble with the law. Those long-term effects of so called discipline, patterns develops these destructive behaviors. (9. Montague) Although some people are still in belief that aggressive behaviors in all forms, are grounded into instincts, but they also relate these actions to sports. Their parents played, who were known for their aggressive behavior, so the child feels that they have to live up to that expectation.( 6. Storr) Athletes do have to be aggressive to a point, so that the team can form a strategy to win. There is also a limit to aggression when it turns into violence. People might say that its not aggression or violence, its just adrenaline pumping. Adrenaline isnt even similar to violence. Aggression, maybe, but nothing that would be harmful to anyone else. This might be a factor to why contact sports are so popular. For example, football, hockey, rugby, wrestling, and boxing. Contrary to predictions of instinct theory, several studies show that contact sports exist and thrive in the same societies that have high rates of aggression and violence. Unfortunately, another belief is that contact sports teach discipline, self-respect, and self-defense. (8. May ) Contact sports arent a positive way to teach these things. Being physically tough helps, but it also needs to be left on the field when the game is over. This can also lead to the abuse of family, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, and any other person who gets in their way, because athletes use these sports as a way to get their aggression and angers out. ( 10. Hauser, Powers, Noam ) Others might argue that its skill, and not in the least way violent. Although we really cant give a straight and to the point answer to the question Is aggression an Instinct? We can say that in man, as in other animals, there exists a physiological mechanism, when stimulated, it rises both subjective feelings of anger and to physical changes, which relate to fighting. This is easily set off, and like other emotional responses, it is very stereotyped, and instinctive. Just like one person is like a very angry person; they resemble one another at the psychological level. The way in which humans adapt to and control their feelings of rage. ( 5. Toch) The mechanisms in which these body changes, the functions that come about is still completely misunderstood. ( 5. Toch) Experiments from animals show that it appears that there is a small area from the base of the brain in which the feeling of anger starts. This, from which is sent to the nervous impulses that cause the blood pressure to rise. This

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Best Way to Promote Your Business on Social Media

Best Way to Promote Your Business on Social Media Social media marketing is an intense route for businesses of all sizes to achieve prospects and clients. Your clients are now communicating with brands through social media, and in case you’re not talking straightforwardly to your audience through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you’re passing up a major opportunity! Awesome marketing on social media can convey amazing accomplishment to your business, making committed brand advocates and notwithstanding driving leads and deals. What Is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing, or SMM, is a type of internet marketing that includes making and sharing content on social media networks keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish your marketing and branding objectives. Social media marketing incorporates exercises like posting text and picture updates, recordings, and other content that drives audience engagement, and also paid social media publicizing. With these tips, you can start building up your own particular social media marketing master plan. Begin With a Plan Before you start making social media marketing efforts, think about your business objectives. Beginning a social media marketing effort without a social strategy as a primary concern resembles meandering around a woods without a guide—you may have a fabulous time, however you’ll likely get lost. Here are a few things to ask when characterizing your social media marketing objectives: What are you wanting to accomplish through social media marketing? Who is your target audience? Where might your target audience hang out and how might they utilize social media? What message would you like to send to your audience with social media marketing? Your business compose should illuminate and drive your social media marketing strategy. For instance, an internet business or travel business, being profoundly visual, can get a great deal of significant worth from a solid nearness on Instagram or Pinterest. A business-to-business or marketing organization may discover more use in Twitter or Linkedin. How Social Media Marketing Can Help You Meet Your Marketing Goals Social media marketing can help with various objectives, for example, Expanding site movement Building conversions Raising brand mindfulness Making a brand character and positive brand association Enhancing correspondence and cooperation with key audiences The greater and more drew in your audience is on social media networks, the less demanding it will be for you to accomplish each other marketing objective on your rundown! Best Social Media Marketing Tips Prepared to begin with marketing on social media? Here are a couple of social media marketing tips to commence your social media crusades. Social Media Content Planning — As talked about already, constructing a social media marketing plan is basic. Consider catchphrase examine and focused research to enable conceptualize to content thoughts that will intrigue your target audience. What actions are different businesses in your industry taking to drive engagement on social media? An awesome Facebook promotion ought to be reliable with your entire brand picture A Consistent Brand Image — Using social media for marketing empowers your business to extend your brand picture over a wide range of social media platforms. While every stage has its own particular unique condition and voice, your business center character, regardless of whether it’s well disposed, fun, or reliable, should remain steady. Social Media for Content Promotion — Social media marketing is an ideal channel for sharing your best webpage and blog content with perusers. When you construct a dedicated after on social media, you’ll have the capacity to post all your new content and ensure your perusers can discover new stuff immediately. In addition, extraordinary blog content will enable you to manufacture more supporters. It’s an amazing way that content marketing and social media marketing advantage each other. Sharing Curated Links — While utilizing social media for marketing is an extraordinary method to use your own particular unique, unique content to pick up adherents, fans, and fans, it’s likewise a chance to connection to outside articles too. On the off chance that different sources give awesome, profitable data you figure your target audience will appreciate, don’t be timid about connecting to them. Curating and connecting to outside sources enhances trust and unwavering quality, and you may even receive a few connections consequently. Following Competitors — It’s constantly vital to watch out for contenders—they can give important information to watchword explore and other social media marketing knowledge. On the off chance that your rivals are utilizing a specific social media marketing channel or procedure that is by all accounts working for them, considering doing likewise, however improve! Estimating Success with Analytics — You can’t decide the accomplishment of your social media marketing systems without following information. Google Analytics can be utilized as an awesome social media marketing tool that will enable you to gauge your best social media marketing procedures, and figure out which methodologies are in an ideal situation surrendered. Join following labels to your social media marketing efforts so you can legitimately screen them. What’s more, make sure to utilize the investigation inside every social stage for much more knowledge into which of your social content is performing best with your audience. Instructions to Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Marketing Here’s a short review about how to utilize social media for marketing as per every stage’s unique user base and condition. Distinctive social media marketing destinations require diverse methodologies, so build up a unique strategy custom-made for every stage. Utilizing Google+ for Social Media Marketing Google+ entered the scene as a Facebook contender, yet it now serves a more specialty audience. It won’t work for everyone, except a few groups are extremely dynamic on Google+. On Google+ you can transfer and offer photographs, recordings, connections, and view all your +1s. Additionally exploit Google+ circles, which enable you to portion your supporters into littler gatherings, empowering you to impart data to a few adherents while notwithstanding others. For instance, you may have a go at making a â€Å"super-fan† circle, and offer uncommon rebates and selective offers just with that gathering. Utilizing Pinterest for Social Media Marketing Pinterest is one of the quickest developing social media marketing patterns. Pinterest’s picture focused stage is perfect for retail, yet anybody can profit by utilizing Pinterest for social media purposes or deals driving advertisements. Pinterest enables businesses to exhibit their item offerings while additionally creating brand identity with eye-getting, unique pinboards. When building up your Pinterest strategy, recollect that the social system’s essential audience is female. In the event that that is your statistic, you require a nearness on Pinterest! Utilizing Twitter for Social media marketing for fakers Twitter is the social media marketing tool that gives you a chance to communicate your updates over the web. Take after tweeters in your industry or related fields, and you should pick up a constant flow of supporters consequently. Stir up your official tweets about specials, rebates, and news with fun, brand-building tweets . Make certain to retweet when a client has something pleasant to say in regards to you, and bear in mind to answer individuals inquiries when conceivable. Utilizing Twitter as a social media marketing tool rotates around exchange and correspondence, so make sure to communicate however much as could be expected to support and construct your following. Utilizing LinkedIn for Social Media Marketing LinkedIn is one of the more expert social media marketing destinations. LinkedIn Groups is an awesome setting for going into an expert discourse with individuals in comparable businesses and furnishes a place to impart content to similarly invested people. It’s additionally incredible for posting occupations and general worker organizing. YouTube for social mediaUsing YouTube for Social Media Marketing YouTube is the main place for making and sharing video content, and it can likewise be an amazingly effective social media marketing tool. Numerous businesses attempt to make video content with the point of having their video â€Å"become a web sensation†, yet in all actuality those odds are entirely thin. Rather, concentrate on making valuable, educational â€Å"how-to† recordings. These how-to recordings additionally have the additional advantage of positioning on the video indexed lists of Google, so don’t under-assess the energy of video content! Utilizing Reddit for Social Media Marketing Reddit, or comparable social media platforms, for example, Stumble Upon or Digg, are perfect for sharing convincing content. With more than 2 billion online visits a month, Reddit has mind blowing social media marketing potential, however advertisers ought to be cautioned that lone genuinely unique, fascinating content will be invited. Posting on Reddit is behaving recklessly—submit spammy or clearly deals centered content and your business could get upbraided by this to a great degree well informed group.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reponse to Phase 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reponse to Phase 1 - Essay Example Select sellers; in this phase we will select vendor that will supply the product or service. The project team may make the final an ultimate choice, though normally inside an overall procedure that is owned by the purchasing department. Project procurement activities and contracting activities through out the project management lifecycle will facilitate us in a number of ways like we will have some standardized and single tool for the whole organization. And implementation of some web-based solution seems likely to be the most successful tool. This unites all the departments and also provides the signal platform for the overall working. If we implement web based system then we can take the advantage of overall connectivity means systems are attached to a single online system, so that some immediate change or development can easily be shared and resolved. The main advantage we can visualize is the facility to share experience, data, information and also the secluding planes among all departments and PMs. There are lots of negative factors those can be happen by continuing as usual. The main negative factor is the lack of the standardization. Each PM has its own scheduling software that makes the oval united working difficult and become irritating. There is also lack of communication between PMs is also negative a negative point. The intended developed product will ensure the overall online communication among all project managers. Here also the main negative point against this existing system is the lack of sharing of information among PMs and project teams, so this intended system will also facilitate this feature also. Plan contracting process involves the stages2 of request seller responses, select sellers, contract administration and contract finality. These phases will facilitate us by offering more enhanced and standardized process for the gathering the best and most diverse supplier information, this information will outline to deal