Saturday, September 7, 2019

MEDIA ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MEDIA ANALYSIS - Essay Example For example when the photograph of Miriam is introduced to the priest, he quickly jumps to the conclusion that Elijah is guilty of the sexual assault however upon learning more information one quickly learn that he is the least likely to be the one guilty of the crime. The narrative structure takes on a kind of ratchet formula in which the story quickly takes steps forward only to immediately takes a step back which is a common theme across many detective shows. In regards to how the narrative structure is plotted around moments of disruption there are frequent incidences that centre on this theme. For example one can quickly identify the deception from Elijah as he originally escapes from the police, when "The Devil" quickly assaults Detective Elliot Stabler in the bathroom. What these actions imply is that there is a relative moment of tranquility before the aforementioned incidents and it is the case that this affects the narrative insofar as it causes moments of excitement. Lastly there is the case of issues of resolution. Whilst several resolutions were in fact brought about they brought with them severe consequences. By having Elijah identifies â€Å"The Devil of Ghulu† it in fact would bring resolution to the countless people that he harmed but will cost Elijah his freedom. By having Miriam identify the war criminal she in fact can help aide in his conviction however she would bring about her own unpleasant feelings. By Elijah taking refuge in the Church he in fact eliminates his chances of ever gaining American citizenship. As such the narrative of the story implies that there is in fact not supposed to be any clean and clear resolution. The character types that are utilized to effectively tell this story are the dynamic character as epitomized by Elijah who was the child soldier who ends up doing everything he can to help Miriam. The ‘Foil

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